CPT has an extensive experience in European projects. It participates within FP calls from the 4th Framework Programme, CPT has been involved within 3 European Projects to Horizon 2020 and for one of them was coordinator:
HYDROBOND (NMP3-SL-2012-310531): New cost/effective super-hydrophobic coatings with enhanced bond strength and wear resistance for application in large wind turbine blades.
RIBLET4WIND (8P33EN-657652): Riblet-surfaces for improvement of efficiency of wind turbines.
iNANOSPRAY: Intelligent production system for Nanocoatings through Thermal Spray
PROCETS (8P2NMP-686135): Protective composite coatings via electrodeposition and thermal spraying for green carbides.
OFFCOAT: Nuevo sistema anticorrosivo para torres eólicas en ambientes marinos (RETOS 2016; RTC-2016-5534-3; FEDER-European Union)
Likewise, research and innovation projects are funded by Spanish and Catalan governments like as:
Durabilidad de estructuras y componentes mediante técnicas avanzadas de proyección térmica (MAT2016-76928-C2-1-R; Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness).
Recubrimientos funcionales de óxido metálico obtenidos mediante tecnologías de proyección térmica (MAT2013-467755-R; Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).
Furthermore, CPT is member of the Ris3cat community, a voluntary group of enterprises and catalan R+I system agents. Through Ris3cat, the Generalitat government certify them for obtaining FEDER founds from EU. Currently CPT is working on the following projects:
TOOLING: Ecosistema d’r+d+i per a la implementació i adopció de la fabricació aditiva/impressió 3D a la indústria (COMRDI16-1-0007-05)
FAMPAI: Fabricació avançada de materials en pols per aplicacions industrials (COMRDi16-1-0020), through Indústries pel Futur community (IpF), coordinated by Eurecat.