Carrer de Martí i Franquès 1, 7º 08028 Barcelona


Applications are open

Are you interested in joining our team? Check this announcement.

Inspiring future female scientists

Women in Science event at the University of Barcelona

New paper released

Plasma-sprayed coatings of 62W bioactive glass: Mechanical properties and in vitro behavior

Thesis defense

Our researcher, Rodolpho Vaz, defended his thesis.

Cold Spray Club

We attended the 29th Cold Spray Club meeting at HSU University in Hamburg

CPT visits Fraunhofer IGCV

CPT visits the Additive Manufacturing team at Fraunhofer IGCV where our PhD is doing a stay

CPT at international conference

One oral communication was done at the FEMS EUROMAT 2023

New paper released

Improving the bond strength of bioactive glass coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spraying

New paper released

Geometry and Microstructure Control of Remanufactured Metallic Parts by Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing

CPT at a national conference

Two oral communications were done at the Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia 2023

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