Carrer de Martí i Franquès 1, 7º 08028 Barcelona


Next article launching: Adhesion improvement and in vitro characterisation of 45S5 bioactive glass coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spraying

Garrido, B.; Cano, I.G.; Dosta, S. (2020). Adhesion improvement and in vitro characterisation of 45S5 bioactive glass coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spraying. Surface & Coatings Technology, Article nº 126560. Doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126560 Link: Abstract: Plasma sprayed bioactive glass coatings were studied using crushed 45S5 bioactive glass powder. It is widely accepted that plasma sprayed…
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CPT renews TECNIO certificate

Our research group the Thermal Spray Center (CPT), has obtained the new TECNIO certificate for the next period 2020-2023. This certificate is given by Agència per la Competitivitat de l’Empresa -in English, Enterprise Competitiveness Agency (ACCIÓ), a public institution of Generalitat de Catalunya which is focused on promoting the innovation and internationalization of enterprises in…
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Thermal Spray symposium powered by CPT and SECV

Last 28th of October was sucessfully celebrated the symposium on Thermal Spray Technology developed by the Thermal Spray Center (CPT) of the University of Barcelona and the Ceramics Technology Institute (ITC-UJI) of the University Jaume I. This event, moderated by the CPT Director Dr. Irene García Cano, adressed several of the last progresses and advances…
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New paper released: Alumina Reinforcement of Inconel 625 Coatings by Cold Gas Spraying

Dosta, S.; Cinca, N.; Silvello, A.; Cano, I.G. (2020). Alumina Reinforcement of Inconel 625 Coatings by Cold Gas Spraying . Metals, Nº 10, Article nº 1263. Doi: 10.3390/met10091263 Reinforced Inconel 625 coatings have been successfully deposited by means of cold gas spray (CGS). Alumina has been simultaneously sprayed achieving a homogeneous distribution along the deposit…
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Thermal Spray Technologies Simposia at 2020 SECV Congress

The Thermal Spray Center (CPT) is organising a simposia inside the frame of the LVII Congreso Nacional de la SECV, which will be celebrated this year the next 26th to 29th of October in Castellón (Spain). Under the title of Thermal Spray Technologies, the simposia is approaching several thermal spray applications on ceramic surfaces as…
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Published paper: Window of deposition description and prediction of deposition efficiency via machine learning techniques in cold spraying

Canales, H.; Cano, I.G.; Dosta, S. (2020). Window of deposition description and prediction of deposition efficiency via machine learning techniques in cold spraying. Surface & Coatings Technology, Article nº 126143. Doi: Abstract In this work we describe an energy-based window of deposition, and predict the deposition efficiency for different cold-sprayed powder/substrate systems, using machine…
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Dr. Sergi Dosta, in an ITSC 2021 Virtual Session

Last 18th June, the CPT Technical Manager Dr. Sergi Dosta took part in a Virtual Preview Session of the ITSC 2021, entitled Coatings for Anti-Virus, Bacteria and Fungus Applications, where several experts held a discussion regarding how thermal spray applications can be used to deposit antimicrobial compounds on different types of high-touch surfaces. Under the…
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Dr. Vicente Albaladejo, awarded with the PhD Extraordinary Award

Our CPT researcher Dr. Vicente Albaladejo received the 2019/2020 PhD Extraordinary Award on the speciality of Materials Science for his Doctoral Thesis called Catalizadores Cu-perovskita para la eliminación de NOx procedente de motores diésel (Cu-perovskite catalyst for the removal of NOx from diesel engines), which was defended on September of 2017. This award was given…
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CPT team at 9th RIPT

Our Technical Manager, Dr. Sergi Dosta and the researcher Beatriz Garrido, attended to the Réencontres Internationales sur la Projéction Thèrmique (RIPT) for presenting a conference entitled In-vitro test evaluation of bioactive glass coatings obtained by APS and CGS (B.Garrido; R.L. García; J. Fernández; S. Dosta; I.G. Cano), as well as the posters Abrasive wear performance…
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CPT, prized for the best knowledge transference project

Last 11th December, the Thermal Spray Center (CPT) was prized with the Antonio Caparròs award for the best knowledge transference project, called Transformació d’una empresa mecànica mitjançant l’accés als nous mercats de l’enginyeria de superfícies amb la col·laboració de la Universitat de Barcelona (Transformation of a mechanical company through access to the new markets of…
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